A Oregon Advocacy – Supporting Oregon Landlords Since 1927
RHA Oregon has been the voice of the small landlord before local and state Governments since 1927. With so many changes in the industry and political demands put upon housing, our government representation has become a critical component to our success.
For contact information for your local & state representatives click here.
RHA Oregon’s Lobbyist Cindy Robert’s Quote
Thomas Jefferson said “Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.” Whether it is merely monitoring for issues, fighting for statutory changes or defending you from changes drafted by others, RHAOregon has a proven history of success representing “the people” in residential rental business.
Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Oregon
Economic Forecast for the 2021-2023 Biennium, click here. Revenue Forecast for the 2021-2023 Biennium, click here.
Current Bill Tracker for 2023 Regular Legislative Session
Click here to review the current Bill Tracker for 2023 Regular Legislative Session
Oregon Revised Statute-Chapter 90 Landlord Tenant Law
ORS Chapter 90 Landlord Tenant Law 2021 Version
F.A.I.R. Ordinances Amendments Presentation
Updates to the City of Portland F.A.I.R Ordinance, click here.
City of Portland Application and Screening Process, and Security Deposit Rules
This link will take you to City of Portland website with information pertaining to the Application and Screening Process, and Security Deposit Rules that are effective March 1, 2020 https://www.portlandoregon.gov/PHB/79521
Oregon Senate Bill 608
Oregon Senate Bill 608