Thursday October 11th, 2018 6:30pm – 8:00pm
at the RHAOregon Conference Annex, 10530 NE Weidler St, Portland, OR 97220
An attorney with Warren Allen LLP will take you through the coming changes to the Oregon Residential Landlord Tenant Act, give a retrospective of the last 2 years, and up-to-the-minute insights into new cases. Along the way you will learn how to avoid costly legal mistakes and help improve your landlord skills.
~1 Continuing Education credit available~
Members $25.00 Non-Members $35.00
Register by close of business October 8, 2018 to save $5
Register below or call the office at 503-254-4723 to register after 5:00pm the day before the class.
To qualify for the early bird registration rate you must have your registration into the RHA office no later than 4:59pm on the listed early registration date in the advertising for the event.
Deadline for refund/credit or cancellation of registration is up until 48 hours prior to the date and time of the class/seminar, up until 48 hours prior you will be refunded 100% of the cost to attend.
If a registered guest/member does not cancel and/or does not show to the scheduled class/seminar then the registered guest/member will be required to pay the full amount of the class/seminar.
All registrations are non-transferable.
Those with prior registrations to the class/seminar will be seated first. Walk-ins will only be accommodated once the class has started and only if space is available. Registered attendees who arrive 15 minutes after the start of the class/seminar be aware that your chair may be filled.
Our venues do have a limited capacity therefore at times registration to an event may close prior to the event.