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Using Landlord-Reference.com
October 28, 2020 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Using Landlord-Reference.com
Led by: Robert Collier
This is a Q&A webinar
Wednesday, October 28, 2020 7:00pm – 8:00pm
This session is offered to members of RHA Oregon only.
The training is presented via a recorded 40-minute video (link is below). Please watch the Training Video FIRST and THEN if you have any questions, please RVSP to bring your questions to a Live Q&A Session. The Training Video can be viewed anytime, when most convenient for you, and as often as you wish/need.
During this LIVE / Screen Sharing Q&A Session, Rob will answer all questions about Landlord-Reference.com. Please know that there are no dumb or bad questions, and each attendee is anonymous to all other attendees.
The session will last until all questions are answered.
Politicians and Tenant Advocates are stripping Landlords’ and Tenant Screeners’ Power in determining how they choose to run their businesses and protect their tenants. Let Landlord-Reference.com help you Regain some Power while fully complying with all laws, truly helping you and your tenants, and ensuring equality through transparency – all for FREE!
There is no cost to our RHA Oregon members for this class.
To RSVP and receive an emailed invitation, send an email at least 24 hours
before the session containing your Name, Email Address and Preferred Session Date to:
[email protected]